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단어 5

inject directly into patients' veins 환자의 혈관에 직접 주사하다

blood vessel 혈관

vascular 혈관의


It doesn't work well

I have to be careful

carbonic acid 탄산

I'm full



man male character


There is a fashion in names 

neutral 중성적인

uncommon 흔하지 않은

get bored


stuffy 답답한


There is a test once a year.

touching 감동적인

unseal 개봉하다, 열다, 털어놓다

pretend to dead 죽은척 하다

meet face to face 대면하다

synthesize 합성하다

fabricate (거짓정보를) 날조하다

investigate 조사하다

change one's way of thinking 발상을 전환하다

conquest 정복



other types of 



'전화영어 > 단어와 표현' 카테고리의 다른 글

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단어1  (0) 2020.10.24